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This module is to make the topographic profile map and make the poles location. It has the catenary curve to check the minimum clearence and it can check the loads in the spans. Finally it can make the reports for construction.

This system have 5 modules or subprograms to produce topography profile's drawing and structure placing for distribution or transmission line.

The modules are interrelated through archives that allow users control and verify data in the different process stages.

The process in general is indicated in the Figure # 1.

Information Flow

Following a small description use of each programs required in the process:

The process begins with field topography Tacheometry notebooks. This must be carefully elaborated by the topographers and according to the standards, paying special attention of the following items:

Tacheometry notebook will be introduced to the computer with the Field Data entry module named CAPTOPOD. Once data have been introduced, it can be reviewed and may be corrected with the aid of any text editor. (modern equipment may export data directly)

Program CAPTOPOD generates a file with the data and name selected by the user. This file passes to the next step using the following module

At the end of these introduction is an example of Field Data tacheometry notebook, with data. New Electronic device can export data directly CALTOPO


The CALTOPO program takes the field input data and makes all the calculation to produce the progressives and levels. The program generates another listing that must be verified in order to detect possible field errors.

The maximum error of forward and reverse measurements must be check withing precision criteria established in client's standards


Once progressive and the levels have been calculated the data is ready to generate the maps in CAD using the Topographic Profile Drawing Module.

This module consists of two programs the RECAD that must be executed immediately after the CALTOPO and which prepare de data to use by CAD

Program RECAD will generate one file to produce a large map or optionally many archives as maps required by the line topographic profile drawing. The name of these archives will be RECADXX where XX are correlative numbers.

Until this moment all the programs are executed under Microsoft DOS. Although the programs have direct access in windows desktop that can be executed directly by double clicking it.

When archives RECADXX are obtained, we need to start CAD and user may select "PROFILE" from the upper menu. The program is loaded and executed.

When the Profile routine start, it will ask for the location and name of each file RECADXX, produced by previous steps. With new CAD Versions, the completed line can be fitted in just one file.

The program will automatically draw the topographic profile as well as the filling points that will serve as guide for manually plan strip drawing.

The map strip will be drawn manually following the filling points.

Until this point the topographic profile drawing is finished from now on it is come to place the line supports.


Previously the engineer must calculate the running placing parameter, height and average span of the line supports.

For example for a 13.8 kV line, in a 35 foot pole, with 4/0 AWG Aluminum conductor have a mean span length of 360 foots and would have a 1100 parameter

With this data, the placing of line supports can be made using minimum clearance aided with sags curves. In flat terrain the predominant criteria for the location is the average Span and is as follows:

In mountainous terrains supports are placed in the highest points and then average Span criteria could be used to place the others supports, verifying to complaint with the minimum clearances using the Catenary's curve at the same time. Note that catenaries curves are drawn automatically by this module.

The supports are drawn with the help of routine COLEST and COLEST2 which assure the correct position and scale of the support.

After locating the poles or structures routine CATEEX is used to exactly fit the catenar's to located poles.

SPAN program and POLE finally make automatic demarcation on poles and final span length, in the drawing strip.

If the line is rural type, subscriber could be identified using program IDENABO.


This module is in charge to calculate and to summarize the results of the definitive structure placing of the electrical line. Has two parts, one to be used inside CAD to collect de data, and the other in Fortran to makes the calculations and reports.

Routine TENFL is executed to take the data from the drawing with the definitive location and to verify the average, real and ruling span of each lines supports.

Program TENFL ( CAD ) generates the data file with progressives and levels and height of structure from the drawing and produce a data file, then another module TENFLE in D.O.S. FORTRAN ( using Windows ) will read de data from file, make the calculations and generates the Final Report and stringing chart.

In this SUMMARY real span average and running span must be verified again, in order to verify that they do not exceed the mechanical structure design limits and also to verify the definitive placing parameters. If the resulting parameters are very different from the used placing, it is advised to reconstruct these catenaries curves again in order to verify if there are problems with minimum clearances.


Following are some project reports examples.


Final Drawing

Topographic Prophile

Summary Reports

Location Report

Stringing chart

Stringing chart 2